The April season of Gwent has kicked off with a new card drop. It’s called The Forgotten Treasures and it’s adding 21 more cards to the game. That’s a lot of cards. More cards than we’ve got.
The cards all utilize and build-upon mechanics that already exist in Gwent, and the art on them is based on the currently in development Golden Nekker spin-off.
There’s a new pack in the store that’ll let you purchase all of the cards in their shiniest form, and you’ll also grab yourself a new Abandoned Laboratory game board. Neato.
The new update also brings with it some gameplay tweaks and improvements, because you can never stop tweaking gameplay once you start.
You can find out more about The Forgotten Treasures by clicking here, and if you’re looking for a breakdown of everything you can expect in the April Season, you’ll find that by clicking here.