The Horizon franchise has a rich history within its futuristic world, ensuring that fans of the series have a lot of content to experience. Aloy, the Horizon franchise’s protagonist, has quickly become one of the most influential and beloved video game characters, and her story is more than just the two base games, Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West. The Horizon franchise has multiple comics, a DLC, and even a board game that is all considered canon within the series, giving fans different platforms to experience Aloy’s story.
When Horizon Zero Dawn was first released, fans immediately saw the scope at which Guerilla Games could expand their world. Through her side quests and encounters with NPCs, Aloy uncovers more information about the 28th century world she lives in. This burst of content, however, was just the start. A Horizon comic series and Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds, a DLC expansion, quickly showed fans that the series is much more than just some exciting open-world games, but a rich universe with plenty of avenues to explore.
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Horizon Zero Dawn shows fans the emergence of Aloy, not only as a character that wants to return to the clan that has now outcast her, but also as a capable warrior who is not afraid of using Old World technology. Zero Dawn kick-started the entire franchise, and its immediate success built a massive fanbase in the PlayStation community, allowing Guerilla Games to build upon the world and create new content for fans to explore. Without the success of the first title, the Horizon franchise would not have become the PlayStation juggernaut it is now and would not have given Aloy the following that she