Mieruko-chan, based on the manga and webcomic by the same name, is a 2021 horror-comedy anime featuring a teenage protagonist who is suddenly plagued by visions of grotesque evil spirits and supernatural phenomena. The show is particularly unique as the protagonist, Miko Yotsuya, attempts to continue living a normal life despite being terrified on a daily basis, by ignoring the evil spirits she sees.
Miko doesn't attempt to tell people about what she sees because she believes that if she makes it apparent that she can in fact see the hidden horrors around her, then they'll be able to get her. She assumes a blasé, unbothered demeanor whenever evil spirits approach her, and in some unfortunate contexts, they attempt to make contact several times before moving on. This series, other than having a protagonist who can see and interact with the dead, is nothing like BLEACH, but certain elements do seem very familiar, especially in the sixth episode.
Horror Anime To Watch If You Like Mieruko-chan
One of the main reasons why Miko can continue to live life despite seeing horrific things every hour of every day is her best friend Hana Yurikawa. Hana is cheerful, happy-go-lucky and extremely positive, providing the excess energy that complements Miko's serious and guarded demeanor. Despite the fact that Miko sometimes acts strangely around her, Hana is too pure to notice blatant deception, nor does she ever think about things too deeply, which makes tricking her very easy, but sometimes incredibly difficult. Mieruko-chan's major similarities to BLEACH begin to emerge when one looks at Hana as a character, and how she interacts with Miko and the world around her.
Hana has a similar personality to BLEACH's Orihime Inoue, in that they're
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