Sword and Fairy is a franchise that may not be well-known outside of the East, but it is a long-running beloved and notable series that has only finally made its way west in recent years. While many of them are well-received and technically available to play, most are only in Chinese, requiring fan translations for Western gamers to be able to experience them. Sword and Fairy: Together Forever (aka Sword and Fairy 7) is making a jump to try and be a better-recognized Eastern Action-RPG series. After playing the first two hours on PlayStation 5, Sword and Fairy did take my interest as a game I want to see through to the end, despite its obvious shortcomings.
The very first thing worth mentioning is that while this is a western localization, the entire game is spoken in Chinese. There are subtitles for dialogue, but even so I did have some issues at times. When dialogue would advance on its own there were instances when I wasn’t able to finish reading it in time. I also noticed grammatical errors every now and then. To a certain degree, I can appreciate the authenticity that is being presented, but this may cause a real fundamental problem for some players.
Although it is an ongoing series, Sword and Fairy: Together Forever serves as its own self-contained story, so for those who want to give it a try, there is no required knowledge needed to fully enjoy what is offered. The story revolves around a young woman named Qingshu, a practitioner of the sword who helps protect her local village from monsters. It isn’t until she rescues a mysterious boy that she is flung into an ongoing war between deities and demons…naturally.
This may be a somewhat stereotypyical concept for those familiar with the JRPG genre, but it’s the story
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