Watching the eighth episode ofSurvivor 42 was like riding passenger seat in a car with no seatbelt...or maybe it was like driving the car...or perhaps it was like riding on the outside of the automobile, getting dragged across the pavement like unsecured baggage. Whatever the appropriate car analogy, of which there were a handful at Tribal Council, this episode was a joyride, replete with callbacks to the season prior, yet another advantage getting thrown into the game, the merging not only of a tribe but of a wealth of backgrounds and life experiences embracing one another, and a deceiving edit that made it seem as though one person was going home when in fact it was the initial target.
For a second straight immunity challenge, Tori Meehan proved that while Jonathan Young can swim and shoot balls into a target more effectively than literally anyone in the 42-season history of the show, Tori is a little better at concentrating. These wins were huge for Tori, who appeared to be the person who would have gone home in each of the past two Tribal Councils. Instead, Chanelle Howell, a popular pre-season winner pick whose fatal flaw was failing to earn the trust of her initial Vati tribe members, was eliminated.
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The edit seemed to suggest that the vote was being changed from Chanelle to Romeo Escobar, whose paranoia placed him on the outside of the majority alliance. But Mike Turner's opinion holds immense weight on Kula Kula, as he's ingratiated himself with some of the top players in the game. The scene where Mike sat and watched Omar Zaheer pray to learn more about the Muslim faith was touching. «We all ain't that different,» the Hoboken