The story of Stray follows a lost Cat who was separated from its family and fell to the entrance of the Dead City. The Cat’s purpose now is to find a way out of the decaying cyborg city and reunite with its loved ones.
One of the few crucial steps to leave this city is by finding a robot called Momo, who knows a great deal about the Outside in Stray. With the help of B-12 and the Guardian, players can find Momo's location. However, it appears there is no way to reach Momo as The Slums is a very dark and chaotic area, meaning players need to find another way through the roofs.
Stray: Every Piece of Sheet Music (& Where to Find Them)
Momo can be found in The Slums living on the higher floor of a building that has an orange sign. After speaking with the Guardian, turn around and descend the stairs. Jump up the pile of crates to the right and then keep climbing up until players reach a roof that has a bicycle.
Leap to the platform that has a chair, then to the higher roof up ahead. Next, walk to the sleeping robot and jump to the ledge in front of it. Hop onto two outdoor compressors on top of each other, then a smaller one to finally reach a balcony.
Jump to the small window to see a robot wearing colorful clothing, that’s Momo.
Upon entering The Slums through the Dead City in Stray, all its citizens will run and try to hide when they see the Cat, mistaking it for a Zurk. After clearing the misunderstanding with the Guardian, show it the Postcard from the inventory to trigger the mission.
The cyborg will tell players that going to the Outside is a ridiculous dream, and no one ever attempted to leave except for the Outsiders. Unfortunately, all of them never came back and what’s left of the group is Momo, who lives high up in a