Star Wars: Battlefront 2 has an intriguing redemption story, going from a 'Luke'warm launch to one of the franchise's most beloved games. It's doubly fitting given that its campaign is centred around Iden Versio, an Imperial specialist turned rebel who fights side-by-side with Leia on Naboo before the title crawl.
She's a key figure in the final days of the Empire, following the events of Return of the Jedi, even if she's never mentioned outside of the game. However, The Mandalorian did make a couple of nods to the game's campaign, particularly Operation Cinder. Whether we ever see Versio again and continue her story, what with Battlefront 3's cancellation, up in the air, but we do know about her beginnings, her turn from dark to light, and her end.
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When we first meet Iden, she's in the custody of the Alliance, using the guise of prisoner to find and delete intercepted Imperial transmissions. She manages to do so and break free before being sent to the Endor system with the rest of Inferno Squad, taking part in the Battle of Endor, watching as the second Death Star gets obliterated. But long before that, she had carried out countless cunning missions for her tyrannical masters.
She was born on planet Vardos in Kestro, the capital city. This fictional high rise and the planet it calls home were created specifically for Battlefront 2, appearing only in the game and the Inferno Squad book. Given that, little is known, but we do know that it's the Imperial homeworld where future leaders are trained at a prestigious military academy, with propaganda plastered across every building. The people living here truly believe in the Empire's mantra, although that would