The ever expanding universe of Star Trek has never been too comfortable with endings. Time and time again, it has made reintroductions of or additions to stories seemingly long finished. Nonetheless, while the titular heroes of the franchises multiple series may keep coming back in various different ways, their prospective shows do end. Some reach their conclusion more dramatically than others, and some go down in sci-fi history. When it comes down to it, which series finale did its show justice?
With new additions constantly being invented by the creative minds at Paramount, including the possibility of a new Seven of Nine show, there are a lot of shows currently without endings. Hopefully, they can learn a thing or two from the shows of old. Each one of the core shows —Voyager, Deep Space 9, The Next Generation, and Enterprise — each had a distinctive ending. (The Original Series unfortunately never delivered a proper one, as the show got canceled after multiple budget cuts.) Of these four shows, it seems unanimous that Enterprise had an abysmal ending, with the death of Commander Tucker seeming throw away and purely written for shock value. But which among them, by contrast, was the best?
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The finale for Voyager was received fairly well, despite the show getting some fairly poor reviews over the years it ran. It was big, bold, and dramatic, and gave some emotional performances by a cast of characters that fans got to know and love through their long journey home. There was one issue, however — and it was a fairly big issue. For a show that was supposed to be all about returning home after a whopping 79 years of high warp away, the finale fell flat and failed