Many surviving characters of the franchise are returning for Scream 6, including a few fan-favorite actors from the series’ earlier installments. After a 10-year hiatus, the Scream franchise finally returned to the big screen for Scream (2022), which saw a fitting modern revival of the movies’ best themes, twists, and meta-commentaries, along with some well-crafted homages to legendary director Wes Craven. The box office success of Scream 5 after its January 2022 debut – typically known as the industry’s “dump” month – quickly earned it a sequel, which will see Woodsboro’s survivors face off against Ghostface yet again.
Scream 5’s novel premise brought back a few notable legend characters while introducing new teens with a slew of familial connections to past survivors, victims, and Ghostfaces. Along with Scream’s iconic final girl Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell), the returning legacy characters and actors for Scream 5 were Gale Weathers (Courteney Cox), Dewey Riley (David Arquette), Judy Hicks (Marley Shelton), Martha Meeks (Heather Matarazzo), and a de-aged Billy Loomis (Skeet Ulrich). Among the new Scream 5 teams, Sam Carpenter was related to Billy, Wes Hicks was related to Judy, and the Meeks-Martin twins were related to iconic character Randy Meeks, who died in Scream 2.
Related: Scream 6's Release Date Ignores What Made The Later Sequels So Good
Just as expected with a Scream movie, most of the new characters were killed off by a two-person Ghostface tag-team, who was revealed to be Stab superfans Richie Kirsch and Amber Freeman. Scream 5 ended with the deaths of the two Ghostfaces, Wes, Judy, Liv McKenzie, and legacy character Dewey Riley. With Scream 6 already set to release in 2023, a few of the surviving legacy