The upcoming open-world action-adventure, simply titled "Saints Row", marks the return of Volition's iconic series after quite some time. This latest entry is a reboot of the series, highlighting an all-new experience, ranging from a new cast to a brand new setting. Amidst many improvements to the core Saints design, it also features many new and interesting additions.
One of these is a skill system, allowing players to spice up their playstyle. Thanks to a wide variety of weapons, from melee ones to firearms, players can approach missions in whichever way they prefer. As such, there are a good variety of skills to be unlocked as well, which should aid further in causing even more havoc in Saints Row.
To access these skills, players must whip out their in-game smartphone and click on the Skills icon. Doing so brings up a menu where skills are unlocked through progression, i.e., leveling up. Many of these skills are not passive, and as such, they need to be equipped to take effect. Only up to four skills can be equipped on the player character at a time in Saints Row. Using these skills spends a resource called Flow, highlighted by diamond icons atop the player's health bar. Flow also recharges during combat.
Note that the level number shown next to the skill name is the level that skill will be unlocked at.
At just level 20, the character progression seems slightly shallow at first glance, especially considering the previous Saints Row entries allowed characters to max out at level 50. However, the game is not out yet, so readers will have to wait patiently and see what the game looks like after its release.
Explore Santo Ileso, create your own Boss, and establish a successful crime empire when Saints Row drops on August 23,