The massive game in has many codes that give players free earnings in the game, including new and returning phrases for March 2023. In reference to the iconic anime series, players are able to use the rewards from these codes to hunt down monstrous creatures or run from them, far more effectively.
With a large list of codes available not seen from other anime titles, players have plenty of opportunities to improve their experience with in-game resources to establish themselves. There are three new codes out of a total of 61 phrases overall that may be used in, a huge amount for players to take advantage of.
Pressing the "/" button on the keyboard or selecting the «Speech Bubble» in the top left of the screen takes players to the Chat Box, where these codes can be entered exactly as they appear for the free rewards.
Free Reward
!code UpdateSoon!
20-minute XP Boost (NEW)
!code SoMuchYen!
20k Yen (NEW)
!code AttemptCodeFix!
30-minute XP Boost
!code AttemptCodeFixTwo!
7.5k Yen
!code LateNightHotfix!
30-minutes 2x XP Boost
!code BossRaidsUpNext!
5k Yen
!code ZangetsuTime!
10k Yen
!code IchigoTime!
Random Race Spin
!code LateNightUpdate!
Reset SP
!code itsalmosttime!
15k Yen
!code SorryShutdownCode!
15k Yen
!code WhyAreCodesNotWorking!
7.5k Yen
!code DevsCookin!
2x XP
!code BYAKUYA!
15k Yen
!code ZangetsuIsComing!
30-minute 2x XP Boost
!code ZangetsuSoon!
Race Reroll
!code 9MVisits!
15k Yen
2x XP Boost
!code RaidsAreBack!
7.5k Yen
!code Sorry4TheWait4Raids!
Sword Reroll
!code Sorry4TheWait4Raids2!
Shikai Reroll
!code ZangetsuAndSenbon!
30-minute XP Boost
!code Sorry4TheShutdown1!
Race Reroll
!code Sorry4TheShutdown2!
10k Cash
!code ApexIsSorry!
Shikai Reroll
!code oSyoSyoSy!