Riot Auberaun, a League of Legends developer, has shared updates on the unavailability of the normal draft pick for the SEA server. Since the new server's introduction, the game mode has been unavailable.
When asked why Riot Games hadn't offered any updates regarding the draft pick being unavailable for the SEA server, Riot Auberaun shared the information via Twitter.
Riot Auberaun stated that the queue availability of game modes (blind, draft, ranked solo/duo, and flex) depends on the League of Legends developers' belief that they can support blind and normal draft picks in healthy states with sufficient players.
According to them, the normal draft pick mode cannot be supported on the Singapore and Thailand servers under SEA owing to a lack of players available to keep the game mode operating.
While Garena previously published League of Legends, there was no normal draft pick mode or clash mode for players to enjoy. With Riot Games eventually publishing a fresh new SEA server, one of the key features that delighted gamers was the inclusion of those two modes.
Unfortunately, players cannot enjoy either of those game types because the normal draft pick has been unavailable since the server's launch, and the clash has been inaccessible for all servers worldwide.
Riot Games was subjected to a social engineering attack. As a result, the game creators were forced to disable the clash to better comprehend the attack's consequences.
The lack of the normal draft pick mode for the Singapore and Thailand servers was disappointing for fans looking forward to playing the game mode. What's worse is that other servers in the SEA region have the normal draft pick mode available, even though it is for a limited time.
According to the official