The Adult Swim animated series Rick and Mortyis no stranger to dark parodies and twisted references to other forms of media, and in one off-shoot comic book, Rick and Mortyintroduce a version of a classic comic strip that is a total nightmare. One of the coolest aspects of Rick and Morty is the endless worlds fans are taken to while following the adventures of the titular characters. Some worlds are interesting and deep, like the planet Unity took over in the episode “Auto Erotic Assimilation” while others were absolutely ridiculous like the universe where chairs are people and people are chairs as shown in the episode “Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind.” This corrupted version of a beloved comic strip is one of the ridiculous universes, but with a horrifying concept laced into it as well.
In Rick and Morty Presents: The Council of Ricks#1 by Jake Goldman, Marc Ellerby, and Phil Murphy, fans are given the backstory of the Council of Ricks' formation. Before they represented the Citadel, every Rick on the council had their own unique set of skills that were all needed to complete a nearly impossible mission. Rick clones were being controlled by a mysterious villain who was using them to replace important figures within the Citadel’s hierarchy and take control. So these specific Ricks came together to stop the evil mastermind, and once they came face-to-face with who was behind the scheme, a dark new world was introduced to fans that turned a classic comic into a nightmare.
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The horrifying world in question is one that is known as the “Desks That Eat People” universe, but what it is really is a nightmarish version of the beloved comic