TT games loves Star Wars. You’d have to in order to make what is now the fifth or sixth Lego Star Wars game, depending on which in the series you count. But from the minute you begin Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga, it’s impossible not to feel absolutely overwhelmed with the reverence for the legendary franchise.
As we played more of it, not only did we have an amazing time reliving the highlights of the series in new, impressive levels, but it also unlocked a level of Star Wars fandom in us that we had forgotten. This isn’t someone standing in the back of Forbidden Planet bemoaning that you don’t know the lore from Star Wars Masters of Teräs Käsi, this is a fellow Star Wars mega-fan freaking out with you about how amazing Duel of the Fates is or laughing about prequel memes.
It’s really easy to tell when a developer absolutely adores their subject matter, and it’s hard to remember ever playing a game where it’s more prevalent. It feels like TT knows that this is very likely its last chance to do this series justice, and it’s not only done that, it’s created what is the very best Lego game, and frankly, one of the best Star Wars games that has ever been made.
By shedding its previous formula, it never once felt like we were playing through simple refreshes of classic Lego levels. Instead, thanks to a new camera angle and a larger differentiation of classes such as Jedi or Scoundrel, the game feels remarkably fresh.
Now viewed from a third-person perspective, Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga is a much more mechanically interesting game than the Lego games of the past. While there’s still a bit of the old “smash everything, build something, move on”, the speed with which The Skywalker Saga moves from mechanic to mechanic