Return to Monkey Island begins with Guybrush looking to find both a ship and a crew so that he can finally discover the secret of Monkey Island. However, after speaking with Melee Island's new pirate leaders, it soon becomes clear that doing so isn't going to be possible. As a result, the mighty pirate decides to hitch a ride onboard the ship of his mortal enemy LeChuck, who also happens to be planning a voyage to the series' titular island.
Return to Monkey Island: How to Get Scurvydogs
Naturally, the first step toward achieving this involves heading over to LeChuck's ship, where Return to Monkey Island players will be able to speak with the quartermaster and ask her about a job. It just so happens that the crew is short a swabbie, though, in order to be considered for the position, Guybrush will first need to get his hands on a mop. Naturally, in true Monkey Island fashion, doing so proves to be far from simple.
If they haven't already, players should head over to the International House of Mojo in the Low Street area and pick up both the Knife and the Forgiveness Frog from the wooden shelf in front of the Voodoo Lady. While they're on Low Street, they should also examine the plaque beneath the statue of Carla, the former Swordmaster and now Governor of Melee Island. This will reveal that she fought bravely at Santo Domingo, which will come in handy a little later on.
Once that's all taken care of, players should return to the SCUMM bar down at the docks and head through the door to the far right to get to the kitchen. They'll then need to talk to the chef, who'll tell Guybrush that he needs to make his own mop from scratch rather than simply buying one. This means that players will need to track down a mop handle tree and