It is safe to say that Pokemon Journeys revolves around the World Coronation Series, and after over 100 episodes, the deciding matches have finally arrived. The quarterfinal battles captivate the audience and the excitement builds upon the realization of who has advanced to the semi-final rounds, but alas, more patience is required because it's now Chloe's turn to shine.
Right in the middle of the Masters Eight Tournament, episodes 119 and 120 will feature a non-contender in the major event, but it may all be worth it, as fans might finally witness the highly anticipated Eeveelution in "[Chloe] and Eevee, the miracle of evolution!" and "[Chloe] and Eevee, the possibilities are endless!"
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Chloe has officially fulfilled her mission of introducing Eevee to each of its eight evolutions while the pair traveled with Ash and Goh across the regions. The goal is for Eevee to get first-hand experience with these Pokemon and make an informed decision about what she wishes to evolve into. Each event left a distinct impression on the Pokemon, possibly influencing this life-changing decision, but which encounter was the most successful?
Sylveon's style seems to match Chloe's energy the best, and, if she dreams of pursuing a career in the performing arts then choosing one of the most beautiful Pokemon in the world is a smart choice. Flareon and Jolten also left quite an impression on Eevee, and have also proven themselves to be skilled entertainers, which could be advantageous. Umbreon and Espeon may be awesome, but having «two Chloe's» (ie: Soleil, the doppelganger) with the same Eevelutions would be kind of pointless. Eevee accessed its Razor Leaf capabilities and