In Paramount+'s new series Halo, Master Chief, a cybernetically enhanced super-soldier, defends humanity from the alien Covenant in the 26th century. The series is based on the wildly popular video game franchise, which since its initial release in 2001, has sold over 81 million copies, and become one of the highest-grossing media franchises of all time.
We spoke with star Pablo Schreiber about taking on the iconic role of Master Chief in Paramount+'s highly anticipated video game adaptation.
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Congratulations, Pablo! Show's finally here. It's been a long journey, but it's already renewed for season 2.
Pablo Schreiber: First time it's ever happened in my career. Renewed before it airs. We love that great vote of confidence from Paramount+. Thank you, Paramount, see on March 24.
What does it feel like to take on this role? This is a huge role and a huge fandom.
Pablo Schreiber: Huge honor, huge responsibility, and I'm hugely grateful to have the opportunity to get to do this. From the moment I got cast, I could feel from the online chatter, etc. how much it meant to people — how much the Halo universe meant to people and how much the character means to people.
There's a sense of ownership you have over the Chief. That we all have, because when you play the game, you're playing as him. I definitely feel that sense of responsibility to make it right. Not just for Halo fans, but to expose this universe that I've fallen so deeply in love with to people who have never played the game and show them all why we love it so much.
Do you read all the online chatter?
Pablo Schreiber: It's less reading the online chatter as it is when things gets announced, I