Throughout the One-Punch Man manga series, one fact has remained untarnished; Saitama's unquestionable strength. The hero's awesomeness has been the highlight of many interesting fights and hero-related developments. However, apart from the epic B-Class hero, on several occasions, One-Punch Man has teased the existence of a powerful being that may rival Saitama in strength.
The character referred to as “God” in One-Punch man is an otherworldly being that appears to grant people power but at great cost. The well-drawn character has made its appearance in different chapters in the manga, puzzling fans on the true nature & goal of this being. Certain occurrences in One-Punch Man also hint that «God» may be the series' final villain. So, is God the real deal?
One-Punch Man 163 Gives Fans A Long-Awaited Rematch Between Saitama & Garou
The question, “Who/What is God in One-Punch Man," doesn't have a straightforward answer. However, certain developments in the series make it possible to infer practical theories that hint at the being's true identity. Yusuke Murata may have teased fans about the villain earlier than expected. In the early chapters of One-Punch Man, Dr. Genus talked about “God” in the context of limiters, so it’s possible that “God” in One-Punch Man is more formidable than readers think.
A living being has a set growth limit. Grow too strong and the burden on the wielder could make them lose control like a monster that has lost their mind. That is why GOD has made each and every living being so that it cannot grow further than a certain degree for their own survival and sanity.
The manga first revealed God's identity in Chapter 109, where Homeless Emperor, a powerful leader in the notorious Monster Association, talked