One Piece is one of the greatest shonen series of all time. It is because of Oda's continued efforts that the series has maintained an extremely high level of quality. Oda's storytelling is second to none and his ability to write a character is just as good if not better. However, the thing that makes Oda special is his foreshadowing, some of which can be traced back to hundreds of chapters.
Oda is not new to using plot twists to make things more interesting, and one of the best examples was in the recent One Piece chapters when it revealed that Buggy had been named one of the Yonko. To add more spice to things, Oda also confirmed that Buggy had started his own organization known as the Cross Guild. The Cross Guild is expected to play a major role in the series, but there is still a lot that the fans don't know yet.
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The Cross Guild has been created by Buggy, and he has two former Shichibukai, Mihawk and Crocodile working for him. It is a huge accomplishment for Buggy to get two huge names to work under him. Mihawk's reason for joining the Cross Guild remains unknown, but it is very odd considering Mihawk is not fond of serving anyone. He doesn't even have a crew, and he has been a lone wolf ever since the series began.
The only reason that comes to mind is that Mihawk realized that he could not fight against the Navy on his own, and he needed help to survive. Crocodile has been in the New World for quite some time, but he has not been involved in any fights. Crocodile is a known genius, and there is no telling what he has been planning ever since he entered the New World. The opportunity to work under a Yonko is pretty special, and considering the fact that Buggy is actually weak,