One Piece has been around for decades, with each arc revealing and connecting intricate details that fans may have overlooked or did not expect. The most recent manga chapter has generated a lot of heat regarding the true nature of Luffy’s new Devil Fruit. Chapter 1043 revealed Luffy facing a crushing defeat by Kaido, one of the four emperors. After defeating Luffy, Kaido revels in his victory, which was ultimately short-lived after Luffy unlocks his true form.
After the Luffy-Kaido battle in Chapter 1043, Momonosuke claims that he can’t hear Luffy’s voice, which was confirmed by Captain Kid and Trafalgar Law. This revelation throws the Samurais and Straw Hats into a panic; Momonosuke decides to surrender to Kaido, but he is convinced by Yamato to not give up, preventing the collaborative efforts of the Samurais and the Straw Hats from going to waste. However, suddenly, Momonosuke hears Zunesha’s voice, revealing Joy Boy’s rebirth after 800 years. At the same time, Luffy’s body structure changes, and what appears to be steam emanates from his mouth.
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There has been a lot of mystery surrounding the character of Joy Boy. He was a central figure that contributed to the history of Fish-Man Island, during the Void Century. The first mention of Joy Boy was in Chapter 628 of One Piece, during the discovery of the Sea Forest Poneglyph and its decryption by Nico Robin. Joy Boy brought Noah to Fishman Island 900 years prior to the One Piece timeline. He makes a promise to the citizens of Fish-Man Island, which he couldn’t keep. Later on, Joy Boy’s apology message to Poseidon for not keeping his promise was discovered on one of the poneglyphs.
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