Koby is quite an intriguing character in Eiichiro Oda's One Piece. He was introduced at the very beginning of the story when Luffy set out on his journey to becoming the Pirate King. At the time, Koby was working as a chore boy for Alvida. It was Luffy who ended up freeing him from his slavery, giving him a dream to chase in the process. Shortly afterwards, on Shell's Town, the two went on to rescue Zoro, and eventually, Koby joined the Marines and declared that one day, he wanted to capture every bad pirate, all the while saving lives.
One Piece: Why The Mero Mero No Mi Is So Special
Since then, Koby has grown incredibly and has been trained by Garp, the Hero of the Marines. He has himself made a reputation as the Hero of the Rocky Port and become extremely powerful. In the Marines, he has advanced to the rank of Marine Captain and has also become a part of a secret unit within the organization, called SWORD. Koby was in charge of the attack on Amazon Lily, where he confronted not just Boa Hancock but also Blackbeard. In the aftermath of the events, it was revealed that he had been kidnapped.
As revealed in One Piece 1059, Koby was kidnapped by none other than one of the Four Emperors of the Sea, Blackbeard himself. Interestingly, the two share quite a bit of history. Blackbeard first took notice of Koby when he tried saving lives on Marineford by confronting Akainu. Immediately afterwards, Shanks saved his life, and the situation on the island de-escalated. It was during the two-year timeskip that Koby and Blackbeard truly came to know each other. On the Pirate Island, the Rocky Port Incident was orchestrated by none other than Trafalgar Law, who then went on to become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.
Koby was also
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