Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece is an unrivaled masterpiece amidst the Big Three of the Shonen genre. The thrilling adventure series comprises breathtaking plot twists, shocking discoveries fulfilling fights, immersive character development, and above all, flawless comedy. The action-comedy series lives up to its name, using timely gags like Brook's skull jokes, Zoro's awful sense of direction, and Luffy's obsessive love for Niku (– 肉 にく/Meat).
Leading these classic gags is none other than Usopp’s outrageous lies. The marksman of the Straw Hats adds to the comedic value of One Piece with his made-up stories of overblown achievements and feats. However, among his deceptive schemes, Usopp's multiple identities is certainly the most iconic. It’s one of the reasons he obtained a jaw-dropping bounty of 200 million berries as God Usopp. So, how did Usopp come about all of his fake aliases?
One Piece: The Funniest Running Gags
“Sogeking” is one of Usopp's biggest identities that One Piece introduced to fans in the Enies Lobby Arc. Initially, Usopp left the Straw Hats crew following the big fight he had with Luffy, his captain, over Going Merry. Usopp resolved the leave the Straw Hats until he saw his former crewmates struggling to save Nico Robin, highly sought after by the Navy and the World Government. He then made an open remark to Sanji and Zoro that he could not help them with their rescue mission due to the heavy guilt he felt and his pride. To counter this shortcoming, Usopp camouflaged his original identity using a mask.
Calling himself «Sogeking,» derived from the Japanese word for sniper (sogeki) and the English word «King,» Usopp was able to birth a new identity every member of the Straw Hats saw through. Naturally, the
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