Content in this article refers to the Paranormal Liberation War Arc, due to feature in Season 6 of My Hero AcademiaThe shonen Anime, My Hero Academia, depicts a world where superpowers are a commonality, and only the best of the best can earn the title of Hero, after completing rigorous training at the UA High School.
Fortunately for the students, the #1 Hero, All Might, has joined the ranks of educators at this prestige school, paying special attention to a young Izuku Midoriya (aka Deku) along the way. Regrettably, having such a high-profiled savior at the school has invited some unwelcome attention from the League of Villains, who are intent on his destruction.
My Hero Academia: How Much Has Shoto Changed Since Season 1
In episode 41 of My Hero Academia, Class 1-A and 1-B travels to a remote location in order to participate in displaying some potentially destructive rescue and survival techniques at the UA's Quirk Training Camp. Class A are put to the test to see how they can adjust their quirks to suit different situations with the assistance of the Wild, Wild Pussycats.
Thanks to a mole within the UA High School faculty, the League of Villains took this as the perfect opportunity to attack the youngsters. Overwhelmed and caught off guard, the villains vastly outnumber the professional heroes, and the students are left to practically defend themselves against the Vanguard Action Squad.
This deranged miscreant falls straight out of a horror movie, as an insane psychopath with a murderous streak and cannibalistic tendencies who rightfully earned his nickname, «The Death Row Inmate». His psychosis is emphasized by the straight jacket bodysuit that confines him, his true identity concealed from even his associates. Moonfish's