Capcom's latest Monster Hunter venture was defined by Rampages, a tower defense-style hunt wherein players set down siege weapons to hit waves of creatures before they destroy the peaceful Kamura Village. After the narrative concludes with hunters stopping the mating ritual of Narwa and Ibushi, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak shifts focus to the effects of a communicable disease spread by the leech-like Qurio. Risen Elder Dragons are the latest addition based on this theme, but Capcom shouldn't restrict the phenomenon to its recurring trio of Second Generation monsters.
Malzeno, Sunbreak's vampire-themed flagship monster, absorbs the energy of its opponents by commanding the Qurio, which in-turn spreads the Bloodblight affliction. It's revealed that Malzeno is trying to keep that energy away from a more apocalyptic Elder Dragon, Giasmagorm, but when both threats are defeated the Qurio attempt to bond with any monster they can find. Hunters take on Afflicted monsters and Anomaly Investigations as a result, using enhanced parts to supercharge their gear. Sunbreak's Free Title Update 2 uses Risen Chameleos to answer what happens when this phenomenon spreads to other Elder Dragons, and the concept has wide-reaching potential.
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Afflicted monsters are considered more violent and powerful than their basic counterparts due to the influence of the parasitic Qurio, but in terms of gameplay they aren't hugely different. When Afflicted, every monster becomes a damage sponge with huge health pools meant to be whittled down by attacking clusters of Qurio, and their attacks will inflict Bloodblight similar to Malzeno. Once enough clusters have burst, the monster will move from its