Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak introduces the Elgado Base, a place where its residents are the survivors of a calamity that terrorized their fallen kingdom. After you arrive and start making your way through Master Rank, you get to meet the most important monsters to defeat in this region, called the Three Lords.
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The second of these Three Lords is called Lunagaron, and this massive wolf-like monster presents a challenging fight for you to face. Fortunately, your experiences as a Hunter from Kamura Village will help you to overcome this combat, and here's everything you need to know about it.
Lunagaron's weak points are pretty much approachable from any position, so they don't matter that much in the fight, but if you can allow yourself to choose, go straight for the head or front legs since Bludgeoning weapons will hit more, and we all love a good hammer stun in a fight.
For the elements or ailments of choice against this foe, it will be particularly prone to Fire and Blast Damage first and foremost, and then Sleep will be useful, but in a minor intensity. Keep in mind that Lunagaron hits mostly with Ice Damage, so you want to keep an eye on your resistances against that element.
To fight this enemy is highly recommended to bring a Bludgeoning weapon like the Hammer, for an extra bit of damage. Given Lunagaron's Elemental weaknesses, you will want to inflict Blast or Fire Damage, so either the Higher Pronged Hammer from the Orangaten weapon tree, Sinister Shade Hammer+ from Magnamalo, or Phoenix Fury+ from the Anjanath tree should do a great job if you're currently progressing through the story. For later stages in the game, you will also want to check