In their latest stream together, Mizkif and Pokelawls randomly matched with two young Fortnite players who stood up to bullying, leaving the internet with a restored faith in humanity.
That's right, Mizkif is playing Fortnite again, but why are so many streamers suddenly returning to the game? The game recently got one of its most important updates to date that increased mobility with new mechanics, introduced tanks into the game, and most importantly removed the building mechanic from the game entirely.
While this no-building feature is set to be removed in the future, many players have found that the game is much more enjoyable now that other players can't build skyscrapers whenever they get shot at. Along with the majority of the fanbase, streamers also seem to agree that this update has brought more life into the game than ever before.
During his latest Fortnite stream, Mizkif was joined by Pokelawls, another Twitch streamer who is known for trolling his teammates by playing absurd characters. While they were waiting for the game to start, the streamers talked to the random teammates they matched with and Pokelawls started using a very childish voice pretending to be much younger than he really is.
Poke asked if the teammates could hear his voice, to which Mizkif responded by insulting him, calling his voice lame lame.
One of the random teammates attempted to respond to the bullying by telling him to shut up, but Mizkif doubled down on his insults, which caused the other teammate to throw some back at him, defending Poke in the process.
Mizkif then joked that the only reason he plays the game is to bully people, to which one of the teammates responded by cursing him and insulting him for being an awful person.
Poke then