The typical Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film takes place in or around the present day. This makes the universe feel as relatable as a universe involving meta humans possibly can to the viewing audience. However, there has been a little bit of MCU time-jumping in recent years. The most recent example was a five-year sprint into the future after Thanos dusted half of the Earth’s population in the climax of 2018’s Avenger’s: Infinity War.
In the past, Marvel Studios has implemented full-on period pieces. The first of these was produced in 2010 with the Captain America origin story, Captain America: The First Avenger. It was set during the turbulence of World War Two, both in Brooklyn and in Europe.
Looking Back On Captain America: The First Avenger 10 Years Later
The other noteworthy MCU foray into the past was with 2019’s Captain Marvel. The movie jumped back in time and across space to explore Captain Marvel’s origin story set in the 1990s. The movie did a splendid job of making the 1990s feel realized, complete with dated leather jackets and even a cameo for Blockbuster Video. It appears that Marvel Studios is about to introduce a plethora of new characters. The trailer for Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness hints at the possible introduction of the X-Men and perhaps even the Fantastic Four. The time could be ripe for the studio to produce another pertinent period piece.
The adamantium-clawed mutant serves a similar purpose with the X-Men that Captain America does with the Avengers. He is the proverbial elder statesman, a physical presence, and occasionally the team leader.
The same way that Captain America: The First Avenger helped set up The Avengers, a Wolverine piece could do the same for a future X-Men