Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga allows players to explore a massive roster of beloved characters from the franchise, among which is none other than Master Yoda himself. The latest entry in the Lego Star Wars game series presents a Story mode comprised of all nine Episodes in the franchise but also gives players a free roam mode in which they can explore the planets they have unlocked by following the main campaigns. This mode, called Galaxy Free Play, is where players will be able to try out all the characters they have unlocked in Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga.
Unlocking characters can be done in many ways but is mainly achieved by completing Episodes in the Story mode. However, many characters also have alternative outfits, many of which can be bought with studs, the in-game currency, or unlocked via special codes. In addition, playing through the main story mode will also unlock new locations for players to explore during Galaxy Free Play.
Related: Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga — How to Unlock Palpatine
To change characters during Galaxy Free Play, players must pause the game and navigate to the second tab on the left. There, they will be able to choose two characters that will roam together and can easily be swapped between. Players should also see multiple colored circles that can be used to select one character from each class in Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga. This will let players swap to those characters more easily during gameplay without pausing the game.
Although it is not technically possible to play as Baby Yoda, aka Grogu, there is a way for players to have him as a companion during the game. However, this will require players to spend actual cash as the game does not offer an in-game alternative to