One of League of Legends’ rotating game modes is the Ultimate Spellbook, often considered one of the most popular alternate modes in the MOBA. Fortunately, it will return with the upcoming patch 12.16 after getting added to the PBE test servers any time now.
However, while Ultimate Spellbook will make its way to the PBE test servers, Riot Games has confirmed that the game mode this time around will arrive with a bit of a twist.
Developer Reina Sweet mentioned in a recent tweet that as a farewell gift to Riot and the League of Legends fan base, she would help introduce a customized and unique edition of Ultimate Spellbook to the title.
She mentioned in the tweet:
For those unaware, Reina had previously announced that the coming Friday would be her final day at Riot. As a parting gift to the League of Legends community, she will introduce a customized Ultimate Spellbook mode.
The developer confirmed that the alternate mode would return with a little bit of twist, and fans can expect it to have a sort of a “One For All” matchmaking where all the players will be made to select the same ultimate ability.
What makes Ultimate Spellbook so unique and popular amongst fans is that it allows champions to wield the ultimate ability of another champion, making for some enjoyable and unique gameplay experience.
Now, it will be pretty interesting to see the type of customizations the developers will look to implement in the game mode once it makes its way to the PBE and eventually in the official patch, due in two weeks.
Reina also mentioned that “when the mode occurs, it’s weighted in favor of having a particularly large impact on the game.”
What this impact will be is up for speculation, but users will soon find out once the mode hits the