Paramount+ has released the first trailer for Players, its long-awaited League of Legends mockumentary from American Vandal creators Dan Perrault and Tony Yacenda. Set to debut on June 16th, the series centers on Fugitive Gaming, a fictional pro team that, after years of disappointment, hopes to win League’s most prestigious prize but must first overcome infighting between two of its star players.
According to Riot Games writer Kien Lam, the studio put in “a lot of hard work” to make the series authentic, and not feel cringe or campy. “I think you have every right to be skeptical given other gaming shows, but have some faith here,” Lam said. With Players, Riot clearly hopes to replicate at least some of the success it saw with Arcane. The Netflix animated series was both a critical and commercial success for Riot, and even managed to draw new players to the studio’s now decade-old MOBA.