Lux, the Lady of Luminosity. Hailing from Demacia, she grew up in fear that one day the insular realm would discover her powers and cast her out. Shining optimism and sheer resilience have brought Lux to embrace her powers; she now wields them, in secret, to help her homeland in any way possible.
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Lux is primarily a Mid-lane burst Mage in League of Legends, offering high damage and enough CC to keep your opponent in check. She also boasts an AOE shield, which can often be surprisingly effective, especially towards the late game. This guide will provide an overview of Lux's abilities and her preferred play style as a Mid-laner, as well as recommended summoner spells, rune pages, and item builds.
You want to max your E ability first because it offers the most damage and helps you in clearing your minion waves. Getting it first also helps you gain control of your lane, get poke damage on your opponent and the slow can be very helpful for setting up ganks from your Jungler.
Lux's early landing phase is somewhat dependent on your matchup. In some instances (against Champions like Veigar, etc.) you can have some priority in lane, as your push power is the same as theirs. Due to the lack of escape tools at your disposal, however, you need to be extremely careful about positioning when laning. The key here is not to use your Q wildly, it is your only hard CC ability, and also your only real means of escape. If the enemy Jungler decides to pay a visit to mid-lane, simply snag them with Light Binding and walk away.
Your passive ability also works on minions, so don't be too afraid of using your E on a group and then auto-attacking them. Lux's wave clear is fairly strong, meaning if