During a (somewhat chaotic) hour-long presentation yesterday, Konami finally revealed to the world its plans for a revival of the Silent Hill franchise. The series has lain dormant for the last decade, and the Japanese publisher seems finally ready to cash in on the cult franchise.
The catch? It's not developing any new games internally. All of the new titles are being farmed out to developers in Poland, the United States, and Scotland, with the next major installment coming from a separate Japanese developer.
(Why was the presentation chaotic, you ask? Well it kicked off with Konami mistakenly uploading the whole thing on YouTube before the livestream was completed, mis-spelled the names of one presenter, and haphardly switched between subtitles and audio dubs at the drop of a hat, just to name a few highlights).
All games unveiled during the presentation will be made by external developers, including Bloober Team, No Code Studios (in partnership with Annapurna Interactive), GenVid Technologies, and NeoBards Entertainment. The four studios are working on these respective games: a remake of Silent Hill 2, a game called Silent Hill: Townfall, an interactive experience called Silent Hill: Ascension, and Silent Hil: f, a brand-new game set in 1960s Japan.
Notably, the remake of Silent Hill 2 will be a console-exclusive release on the PlayStation 5.
Konami also announced a new movie directed by Christopher Gans, the French director behind the first Silent Hill film in 2006. The new movie will be called Return to Silent Hill. During the broadcast, Konami noted that production of the film was a key motivator for reviving the franchise as a video game series.
Ever since Konami disbanded Team Silent (the original internal team behind
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