Kingdom Hearts is a franchise that is beloved by many due in large part to its splicing of Final Fantasy and classic Disney characters and lore. Sora's child-like wonder and lovingly-crafted interactions with the likes of Donald Duck, Goofy, Riku, and Kairi make for the series' best moments, and though it has so much charm, the Square Enix-developed games have always struggled in the narrative department despite many dedicated players finding comfort in the madness.
Wielding an intricate yet painfully confusing story, Kingdom Hearts is loved by those who have followed the journey since the beginning, but it is very hard to appreciate from a newcomers' perspective. As is the way with any tale that spans multiple releases, there's no obligation to cater the next chapter to new fans, but as other companies have proven, it can be a great way to bring in new interest and create a more focused and straightforward story. The narrative threads that are presented across so many releases in the franchise may be engaging, but it makes the overarching experience feel segmented and incoherent. A fresh start could be the best way to avoid this fate with future entries.
Kingdom Hearts 4: Who is the Nameless Star?
Kingdom Hearts' biggest flaw has been its over-complexity, and with its fourth entry beginning the 'Lost Master Arc,' there's an expectation of something new. The series has seen critical story elements being included in mobile spin-offs and GBA titles, so despite its name, Kingdom Hearts 4 is far from the fourth essential chapter in the journey. Much of the non-home console releases are there to flesh out the lore surrounding the games, so while 1,2, and 3 are perhaps the most vital installments to see through to the credits,