Jujutsu Kaisen revolves around Itadori Yuuji and his connection with Sukuna, the King of Curses. The story thrusts Itadori into a world of curses and jujutsu sorcerers after swallowing a cursed item hosting one of the sorcerers' biggest nightmares, Sukuna. Apart from the main narrative hosting developments surrounding Sukuna and Gojo Satoru, other interesting lead characters such as Megumi Fushiguro feature interesting additions.
At first, Fushiguro Megumi resembles the typical Jujutsu sorcerer with solid cursed techniques and the typical devout conviction that cursed spirits must be eliminated. However, after a few episodes, viewers witnessed Megumi’s potential, and in the season's final episodes, Jujutsu Kaisen revealed Megumi's incomplete Domain Expansion Chimera Shadow Garden.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru's Unlimited Void Domain Expansion, Explained
The first thing to note about Megumi is his connection with the Zen’in Clan. Megumi is a descendant of the Zenin Family and the son of Toji Fushiguro, a character revealed later in the manga series. The members of the Zenin family are exceptional sorcerers with splendid cursed techniques, so it’s not surprising that Megumi is cut from the same cloth. However, Megumi unknowingly limits himself with his ideals and beliefs despite his remarkable potential.
First off, Megumi spouts the belief that life is unfair & unjust, and sorcery is just a means for ensuring that fair humans get to experience life fully, without interruptions from the world of the evil curses. In episode five of Jujutsu Kaisen, the show started hinting at Megumi's hidden talent through Sukuna. Ruffled by Itadori’s quick growth as a Jujutsu sorcerer, Megumi consulted Gojo Satoru, one of the strongest jujutsu
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