Atlus, the company behind the popular Shin Megami Tensei franchise, has recently announced Soul Hackers 2, the sequel to popular spin-off game Soul Hackers. Following four days of questions from the sentient Aion in an effort to prevent the end of the world, an announcement stream showcased a live-action combat sequence before revealing information about the game. Hot off the success of Shin Megami Tensei V, people are wondering if Soul Hackers 2 on the Nintendo Switch?
Sadly, the answer is no. Soul Hackers 2 has been announced for PlayStation, Steam, and for the first time, Xbox — but there is no mention of the Nintendo Switch anywhere. This is a little shocking to some, as Shin Megami Tensei V was the fastest selling SMT title for Nintendo hardware, selling over 800,000 units since it’s launch in November.
Soul Hackers 2 will launch on (almost) all platforms August 25th, 2022. It is currently slated to launch in Japan only, but Atlus West (the western branch responsible for translated ports) has been tweeting about Soul Hackers 2, so many theorize that a translated port is not far behind. If you pre-order the Japanese version, you can receive an artbook, the game soundtrack, and a mini-statue of Aion-kun, a Jack Frost dressed up as one of the characters from the game.