The Attack on Titan anime has been making waves since its debut in 2013, however, a controversial decision in the production of its final season has arisen. The final season has already been split into Part One and Part Two, however, it has been announced that there will be a final Part Three to cover the remaining chapters of the Attack on Titan manga.
Long-time fans of the Attack on Titan anime's run have mixed feelings about this announcement. Many have voiced their concern online since they experienced anime studio MAPPA, known for popular hits such as Jujutsu Kaisen, Banana Fish, and the upcoming Chainsaw Man, has taken over since the fourth season from Wit Studio, which was the producer for the previous seasons. Now, with the recent announcement of Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 3, concern is once again rising for the future of the franchise. Many fans believe that MAPPA has made many bad decisions since taking over Attack on Titan, but is this the case of a loud minority overshadowing a quiet majority, or has Attack on Titan truly lost what made it the modern-day classic it is often hailed as?
MAPPA Vs. Wit Studio: Which Studio Did A Better Job Adapting Attack on Titan?
MAPPA took over the franchise in 2021, and since then many fans have criticized most of their decisions, even citing plot lines that happened in the manga anyway as a reason to question their validity, even though that decision wasn't made by MAPPA themselves. Still, there are many criticisms of MAPPA that have become popular in online spaces.
One change that fans are upset about is how the animation style changed. This often happens when a new studio takes over, however many fans felt it was a severe downgrade from the iconic style of Wit