In Dragon Ball: The Breakers, once players have possession of all seven Dragon Balls, Shenron can be summoned, which grants players four critical wishes, two each for Survivors and the Raiders. Summoning Shenron and the wishes players select have the potential to alter the course of the game in a big way.
This guide takes players through all the necessary steps required to collect all seven Dragon Balls in Dragon Ball: The Breakers, where and how to summon Shenron, and also looks at all the wishes that can be obtained.
In order to summon Shenron in Dragon Ball: The Breakers, players need to first collect all seven Dragon Balls scattered all over the map. Once done, they need to find an alternative to initiate the summoning process.
Finally, players need to conduct the ritual itself. The process is identical, whether gamers are playing Survivors or the Raiders.
Overall, Shenron grants four wishes in Dragon Ball: The Breakers; two each for Survivors and the Raiders.
For Raiders –
For Survivors-
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