Sadako, from the infamous horror series Ring, has made her way into Entity’s realm in Dead by Daylight. This terrifying woman bent on revenge and cursing those who watch her tape is just as deadly as she was in the films. She’s a unique killer that has plenty up her sleeve to make her a viable killer if played correctly.
StrategySadako’s power is Deluge of Fear. During the trial, Sadako can go in and out of invisibility through Manifestation. While invisible, she cannot be detected by survivors until she’s within 32 meters of them and she has no terror radius. So, unless one of the survivors has a perk that can detect you even when invisible, such as Premonition or Spine Chill, they won’t know where you are. Use this time to sneak up on survivors for some easy hits.
After manifesting, Sadako will become visible, then invisible, and will finally flicker in out and out between invisibility for a short duration before becoming fully visible. Because of this, survivors won’t be able to get a good read on your location. Use this to your advantage when hiding behind walls or when a survivor looping you. When manifesting, you do lose some speed so you need to make sure you’re close enough to a survivor that you can hit them.
Sadako’s special ability is Projection. Multiple TVs generate on the map that she can teleport between. To use this ability, you need to become invisible and teleport to a TV that you’re looking at. This ability is fantastic for teleporting ahead of survivors while in a chase, especially if they have the Adrenaline perk which gives them a 150% bonus to their speed for five seconds. Aside from chasing, this ability gives Sadako fantastic map pressure since she’s allowed to teleport across the map as long as