Little Alchemy 2 is a great game where you must be creative and thoughtful to finish the job. Your aim in the game is to create various things by combing the four basic elements; Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. As you start mixing them, you will easily get most of the simple things in the game, but you would really need to work extra hard to make more advanced items. Small is one of the harder items you need to make in the game. Here is how to make Small in Little Alchemy 2.
How to make SmallTwelve combinations could make Small in Little Alchemy 2. This guide will walk you through the most simple and easy method you can follow to create Small. To make Small in Little Alchemy 2, take Philosophy and mix it with Bacteria. Here is the detailed walkthrough of how you can make Small in Little Alchemy 2.
Water + Water = PuddlePuddle + Puddle = PondPong + Pong = LakeLake + Lake = SeaEarth + Sea = Primordial SoupFire + Fire = EnergyPrimordial Soup + Energy = LifeLife + Fire = PheonixPheonix + Pheonix = EggEarth + Water = MudMud + Life = BacteriaFire + Earth = LavaAir + Lava = StoneStone + Stone = WallWall + Wall = HouseStone + Fire = Metal Metal + Eath = PlowPlow + Eath = FieldField + House = BarnBarn + Egg = ChickenChicken + Egg = PhilosophyPhilosophy + Bacteria = SmallRelated: How to make Cook in Little Alchemy 2
The above combination is the best and easiest way to make Small in the game. But as mentioned, there are 11 other ways to make Small in Little Alchemy 2. Here are all possible ways to make Small in Little Alchemy 2.
Philosophy + Ant = SmallPhilosophy + Bacteria = SmallPhilosophy + Carbon Dioxide = SmallPhilosophy + Oxygen = SmallPhilosophy + Ozone = SmallPhilosophy + Pebble = SmallPhilosophy + Confetti = SmallPhilosop Read more on