Birdramon in Digimon Survive is one of many Digimon that players can befriend and recruit to the team. As eighth-grade protagonist Takuma Momozuka explores an alternate world with his Digimon partner Agumon, they come across many monsters that they can fight and befriend. Birdramon is one of them, a fearsome-looking orange bird with large talons.
Befriending Digimon in Digimon Survive is as simple as answering questions when having a conversation with them. Depending on the Digimon's personality, like Digimon Survive's Gotsumon and his joking nature, players need to adjust their answers. If players do not answer the questions correctly, they may not earn enough points to befriend and ultimately ask the Digimon to join their team.
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To befriend and get Birdramon in Digimon Survive, players need to earn three points by correctly answering questions that appeal to their loyal and honest nature. Birdramon is a relatively rare find compared to other Digimon, so if players encounter it, they should try to befriend it.
Players will encounter Birdramon starting in Part 3. Scan the hostile areas using the camera, then select Fight when a shadow appears. Birdramon may be one of the Digimon that appear, but with 117 Digimon in the game, it may not show up for a while. Birdramon is also the evolved form of Digimon Survive's Biyomon, who also values honesty.
Once players find Birdramon, speak with it. At various points in the conversation, players will need to answer questions; there are four answer choices for each question, and they are worth a variable amount of points. Since Birdramon values loyalty and honesty, players should give similarly styled answer choices. Below are the