In Ghostwire: Tokyo, the souls collected by Akito are a commodity all on their own. By capturing them in the game, these lost souls wandering Tokyo, they can be traded for a nice bounty of experience and money. However, to capture them, players make use of Katashiros.
Katashiros are dolls generally made from paper and are related to purification. It’s a fitting device, considering the player has to use them to capture and “purify” spirit in Ghostwire: Tokyo.
The player is only given a limited number of Katashiros, at least at first. More can be bought for convenience, though it isn’t necessary. But if more is needed, here’s how to earn more Katashiro in Ghostwire: Tokyo.
To purchase more Katashiro, you’ll have to visit one of the shops owned by the Nekomata. They aren’t exactly cheap either. While you can use some money from turning in spirits to pay for more Katashiro, it’s not always worth the investment.
Before purchasing more Katashiro, it’s best to consider the alternative first. It isn’t really necessary to purchase more, provided you release the spirits at the appropriate time.
Once they’re turned in, those Katashiro are available for use again. Of course, this introduces one other problem: running out of Katashiro when a spirit needs to be captured.
To release spirits trapped inside Katashiro, they have to be released to a phone booth. In doing so, Akito earns money, experience, and, ultimately, skill points. A great method of leveling up quickly is doing a bunch of side missions, as many as you have Katashiro to capture spirits with, and dumping them all in one trip.
For convenience, players might feel that it is more advantageous to simply buy a bunch of Katashiro in Ghostwire: Tokyo. After all, the more Katashiro on