One Piece Odyssey is the latest entry in the One Piece franchise from publisher Bandai Namco Entertainment. This brand-new original story from series creator Eiichiro Oda follows protagonist Monkey D. Luffy and his crew of Straw Hat Pirates as they explore the mysterious island of Waford shortly after being marooned there during a storm at sea.
The game was released on January 13, 2023 for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.
As with most JRPGs, One Piece Odyssey also features several sidequests and unique gameplay mechanics that are essential to the game’s combat, lore, and progression.
This guide will focus on one such base skill - cooking, which is incredibly useful for both healing your party members or conferring additional stats.
Note: This article contains minor gameplay spoilers for One Piece Odyssey.
Cooking food in the game is not available from the get-go, and the mechanic remains locked until Chapter 2. The entire process to begin cooking is detailed in the steps below:
Keep in mind that cooking is fairly limited throughout the entirety of Chapter 2. Increasing Sanji’s cooking skills from level 1 to 2 (by completing Chapter 3) and progressing through the game’s campaign will further bolster your cooking efficiency.
Slotting Sanji’s Memory Cubes into his Cooking Ability is the only real way to obtain extra cooking recipes.
Using food in One Piece Odyssey is essential during both combat and exploration.
During a battle, you can easily bring up the item menu and head over to the Food sub-section by pressing the R2 or L2 button. Next, simply select the food you wish to consume and confirm the selection to use it.
The process is even simpler during exploration, and you only need to scroll down in the