As the player traverses the world of Horizon Zero Dawn, they can come across collectibles known as Vantage Points. These were not scattered around the world at random, but were purposefully placed by a character from the old world, documenting his remaining time on Earth.
Collecting all the Vantage Points is not required to complete the story of Horizon Zero Dawn. However, doing so is well worth the time, as these datapoints contain an emotional, brutally honest story — the story of Bashar Mati.
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There are 12 Vantage Points, each containing a snapshot of the old world, an audio log, and the transcript of a letter. These were all compiled by Bashar Mati, an employee of Faro Automated Solutions (FAS) who got his hands on some of the company’s Vantage spikes. Vantage spikes are portable drill applicators outfitted with Eternity chips — computer chips that could store data for at least 50,000 years. Once Mati acquired the Vantage spikes, he took a tour to local landmarks that were closest to his heart and planted a spike there.
Born in 2040, Mati was the son of Aamaal and Bayhas Mati. His father was a retired pilot who then taught at the Air Combat Academy, where he talked about human airpower in an age where air forces were predominantly automated. Still, not all aircraft were automated at the time, and this is what ultimately led to the demise of Mati’s father. He got into a fatal accident while flying a Razorwing unit for Metallurgic International, a mining corporation. Because of this, Mati developed a strong contempt for the company. It also caused a rift between him and his mother.
After the death of Mati’s father, his mother convinced Metallurgic International to hire her, as the company