Taking the foundation of its predecessor, Horizon: Forbidden West expands and evolves the franchise with new gameplay mechanics and features. As players head west to stop a new and world ending threat, Aloy has new tools available to her to help traverse the landscape including the Pullcaster, a grappling hook style device, as well as the Shieldwing Glider for landing softly from large heights.
In addition to new tools and exploration mechanics like underwater diving, Horizon: Forbidden West introduces its largest set of machine enemies the franchise has seen. While some fan favorite machines return from the first game, including the T-Rex-like Thunderjaw, Guerrilla's latest introduces a variety of new enemies as well. This includes the Tremortusk, a massive machine mamoth that was featured predominantly in promotional materials and pre-release demos.
Horizon Forbidden West: How to Override The Stillsands Tallneck
Horizon: Forbidden West also takes some notes from the comic series by incorporating Apex level machines for players to hunt. These are unique variants that are more powerful and are distinctive through their black armor plating. Some are easier to find than others, though for the bat-like Dreadwing, players will want to follow this guide to find this Apex predator.
TO get started, players will want to head to the location called The Maw of the Arena. This is nearly at the very center of the map and is directly north of The Memorial Grove, a story-related settlement that players will visit. To the West of The Maw is a Slaughterspine Site which is home to a deadly and formidable machine opponent. Thankfully, players don't have to go there, but to the South of that Site is home to Dreadwing, which can be seen
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