Gundam Evolution, a new multiplayer shooter based on the mech-filled anime series, has a surprising amount of broad appeal. Not only is it being talked about by Gundam fans, but it’s also catching the eye of more casual gamers and even hardcore esports ones as well. If you’ve noticed that audiences seem a little more excited here than they have been for previous Gundam games, that’s exactly the response that the Gundam Evolution team is hoping for.
When I found out about the Overwatch-esque title, I had tons some burning questions as a Gundam fan. To answer those questions, I spoke to Gundam Evolution Producer Kazuya Maruyama and Battle Director Ryota Hogaki. The two chatted about their aspirations, inspirations, and decisions that went into the game.
What made the idea of a competitive hero shooter using the Gundam series come to life?
Maruyama: Our aim is to introduce this game as a gateway to the Gundam IP. Of course, while we would love to see Gundam fans play the game, we also hope that a wide range of team shooter gamers, especially young people and people outside of Japan, get to know Gundam more intimately through Gundam Evolution.
I noticed a few fan favorites like Zeta and Wing absent so far. I’m very curious about how you selected what Mobile Suits are in the game.
Hogaki: I know this is a rather unusual lineup for a Gundam game. The reason behind this is that we are focusing on what kind of enjoyment we can offer as a shooter. This means that selection standards are not based solely on being the leading units. They each have their own situational uses, such as GM Sniper II for long-range sniping, Assimmar’s mobility through transformation, and Gundam Barbados as a melee fighter.
Are there any specific Gundam