Xayah is one of the most interesting and fun champions in League of Legends. She is self-reliant and can safely farm in the lane, making her one of the best picks in the solo queue.
Hence, a brief guide on Xayah in League of Legends season 13 has been discussed in this article. Apart from that, a concise gameplay guide for the champion has also been provided towards the end.
It is important to remember that just because she is a safe pick in many scenarios does not mean she is overpowered. She needs quite a lot of farming, and unless players hit three items with Xayah, it will be hard to make any significant impact in the game.
Xayah's entire kit in League of Legends revolves around using her features in the most optimal way possible. Players will ideally use her features just to auto-attack. However, the Q ability helps Xayah to throw her features to the ground behind the enemy.
If she uses her W, then it increases the speed at which she can throw her feathers. The E ability allows Xayah to recall the feathers she might have thrown using her Q. If the features hit enemy champions while they are recalled, it roots them in place.
Apart from that, throwing feathers and recalling them deals quite a lot of damage. This is why Xayah feels quite a safe champion in League of Legends. This is because players can harass the enemy consistently by using feathers.
If proceedings look troublesome or she is getting ganked, then Xayah can recall the feathers and root the enemies in place, providing her with a window to escape. Apart from that, upon using her R, she jumps into the air and throws a bunch of feathers into the ground.
This ability is also great at not just kiting the enemy but also dodging deadly skill shots. However, this R
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