Maokai has recently become quite a popular choice in League of Legends. He is immensely strong and can be annoying to play against in the late game.
This champion is arguably one of the best for clearing out enemies hiding inside bushes. Maokai provides a lot of utility not just in team fights but also during objective control.
Hence, a brief guide to Maokai's jungle build has been provided in this article, including his runes and item builds. This position is something that players refer to as a much better version of Teemo.
Maokai can be leveled up in several ways, but the one that offers the most value is AP. This build is extremely overpowered and burns down the health bars of enemies even before a fight begins.
One simple yet crucial thing players need to do is throw a sapling inside a bush. Eventually, someone will walk in, and it will destroy any squishy champion.
The damage keeps scaling as the game progresses, which makes Maokai quite terrifying. The biggest problem about dealing with Maokai is that there is no counterplay against the saplings he throws inside bushes.
These saplings are indestructible and will follow around enemies as soon as someone gets in range. Of course, there is more to the champion than just a few saplings.
Maokai is one of the best engage champions in the game, and his ganking potential is immense. He can go for a three-camp clear and gank a lane.
He's excellent both in professional play and solo queue, making him one of the highest priority champions as a pick as well as a ban. In any case, it is time to focus on Maokai's rune path in League of Legends.
Primary Rune (Sorcery): Phase Rush, Nimbus Cloak, Transcendence, and Waterwalking
Secondary Rune (Domination): Cheap Shot and Treasure Hunter