The Seven and their Resistance are heating up the battle in Fortnite this week--and with that heat comes some pretty difficult missions they've prepared for players this week--not impossible, mind you, just a lot more work than they've been letting us get used to, combined with a lot more traveling across the entire map. We've got four missions, each with two stages and multiple objectives, so get ready to buckle down and get to work, Looper.
Establish Device Uplink near Logjam Lumberyard or Chonker's Speedway
(Stage 2/2) Hack IO Loudspeakers (3): 23,000 XP
(Stage 1/2) Establish Device Uplink near Greasy Grove or Coney Crossroads
(Stage 2/2) Swap IO munitions with dummy shells (2): 23,000 XP
(Stage 1/2) Establish Device Uplink near Camp Cuddle or Shifty Shafts
(Stage 2/2) Destroy a white filing cabinet and collect the files: 23,000 XP
(Stage 1/2) Establish Device Uplink near Seven Outpost II or Seven Outpost V
(Stage 2/2) Hack an IO Server in Command Cavern: 23,000 XP
Take a look at your map before you drop and make sure you're dropping close to the Device Uplinks (if you're not sure what you're looking for still, look out for large blue holograms coming from a small device on the ground). Our big objectives are to hack the IO loudspeakers, swap out the IO's large munitions with fake dummy shells, destroy a white filing cabinet for the files inside, and finally to hack into the IO's servers. Everything is at least marked on the map for us as we go, so keep an eye on those objective markers and make sure you know what you're looking for.
The IO loudspeakers are placed around various IO Outposts; run to the base of the speaker to see a glowing white box you can interact with to hack the speakers. You'll do this a total of