Obi-Wan Kenobi is a series that feels decades in the making, given the looming presence of the wise old Jedi in the Star Wars narrative since his debut in 1977's A New Hope. His past was a mystery when he first mentored young Luke, and the major role he played in the prequel trilogy still left fans with many questions as to what he did after Anakin became Darth Vader.
Ewan McGregor, who portrayed Obi-Wan in the three prequel films, has taken up his lightsaber once more to star in the Disney+ Obi-Wan Kenobi miniseries, which premieres through the streaming platform on May 27. This comes after years of fans clamoring to hear more from him the mysterious years in between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, and despite James Arnold Taylor voicing the character in The Clone Wars (which takes place within the prequel timeline).
Related: Every Actor Who Has Played The Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi
Screen Rant spoke to McGregor about which supplemental Star Wars materials and fan theories he's engaged with, as well as what brought him back to the iconic Jedi role after so many years.
Screen Rant: There have been so many great supplemental stories about Obi-Wan since the prequels came out. I'm curious if you had a favorite, whether it be a novel, comic, episode of Clone Wars, or beyond?
Ewan McGregor: I'm not really familiar with all of them, to be honest. It's quite funny, after I finished Episode III, I really didn't think much about him until more recently. I didn't watch The Clone Wars, though I've dipped into them a little bit for this.
I read the novel that was written, called Obi-Wan Kenobi, but I read it after we shot the series. I don't know [laughs]. Because I enjoyed playing him so much again, I read it afterwards. It's not the