Thanos' arrival in Avengers: Endgame created a plot hole involving Pym Particles and time travel. Avengers: Endgame had the momentous task of undoing the snap, making Thanos a threat after his death in Avengers: Infinity War, and introducing time travel to the MCU without breaking the whole timeline. One key element to make this all work was the Pym Particles, which not only give Ant-Man and the Wasp their size-shifting abilities but also act as the fuel of the MCU's time travel.
The Avengers could have borrowed the six Infinity Stones to reverse the Snap without a problem if it weren't for one oversight. 2014 Nebula managed to impersonate her future counterpart, steal a vial of Pym Particles, and infiltrate the Avengers' headquarters to make way for Thanos. The only remaining question was how Thanos was able to transport his ship and his whole army with only one vial of Pym Particles, but that can be explained with Ebony Maw, who probably reverse-engineered them offscreen.
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Ebony Maw's reverse-engineered Pym Particles is a big mystery Avengers: Endgame skims over, but it's a logical explanation nonetheless. This, however, also entails a potentially huge plot hole: nobody in Thanos’ army thought of using their version of the Pym Particles for their original purpose. If Thanos really wanted to defeat the Avengers in 2023, it would have taken him little effort to give his army Ant-Man's size-shifting abilities. An army of giants could have given Thanos a huge advantage, to say the least, and using tiny Outriders and Leviathans that could swarm the Avengers to later crush them would have almost guaranteed him the victory. Yet, Thanos, one of the MCU's